Overcoming Disappointment

Overcoming Disappointment 

"As EPIC Conquerors we say “the battle is real, but the victory is assured.”

 Disappointments happen to everyone. What we hoped for, wanted to have happen, hoped would happen, expected to happen…didn’t.  Now what?

Mad, rage, angry, pout, pity party, curse up a storm, lash out, break or smash something, etc.

All human responses, all are temper tantrums we throw when things don’t turn out how WE wanted or perceived them to turn out because, after all, we should be exempt from trials, right?

Some disappointments happen as the result of actions from others and some from our own poor choices or decisions made.

Some disappointments are unrelated to anything we have control over, epidemics, economic downturns, overthrow of governments, earthquakes, accidents, windstorms, hail, unknowingly or unaware that we’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc.

Now that we’ve considered all of that...

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Making Godly decisions

Harbor Lights : Making Godly decisions

When I know in my “knower” so strongly
that it’s already a finished situation as though it had manifested. 

We all have decisions that we make on a regular basis. What to eat, wear, etc. When it comes to the big decisions in life we want to be wise and choose the right choice.

Bob Mumford shared a story over 45 years ago that I have never forgotten. He shared about a certain harbor that was very dangerous for ships to navigate. Many had shipwrecked trying to do so as there were treacherous rocks under the surface of the water.

Someone discovered that there was a way to bring a ship in safely if they followed a certain route. They decided to guide the ship safely to shore they would erect 3 harbor lights. If a ship aligned themselves to the 3 lights they could safely arrive at the harbor.

The three lights must appear as one single light. If any of the three were off kilter then the ship was not safe to come to shore....

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This Episode: Holiness

In this episode Mama J and Chad have a great conversation about infectiousness, Love, Holiness and choice.

"Holiness is not infectious." Haggai 2:10-14

Haggai describes how God's glory will fill His house. We are God's house, His dwelling place. God was teaching His priests (which we are also) the principle that holiness and unholiness don't mix.

If I put a drop of saltwater into a container of pure water; it's no longer pure. If a moldy piece of fruit is in a basket with good fruit, what happens? The moldy fruit contaminates the whole basket.

However, the reverse is not true. Saltwater is not made pure by pouring pure water into it. Good apples in the basket will not un-contaminate the moldy one. Same with us. God gave Adam and Eve freedom, authority and access to Himself. He only had one restriction: "Don't eat from that tree!"

There HAD to be a choice involved. Otherwise their relationship with God would not be based on love-because-I-want-to, but...

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Wisdom for 2020

Wisdom for 2020

Wisdom for 2020

1. Always put God first and foremost. Serve Him with white-hot zeal.
Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27 and Duet. 6:5
2. Love others and love them as well as you love yourself.
3. Learn and Grow. Stretch and Increase. In your skills and abilities, your emotional
quotient, relationships and have self-awareness for why you do what you do.
II Timothy 2:15
4. Have a mentor / be a mentor. Be teachable = able to be corrected and still stay sweet. II Timothy 2:2
5. Live life full out with arms wide open. Giving your best in all situations going above and beyond with a spirit of excellence. Luke 17:7, I Cor. 13:13, Eph. 4:32 and Col. 3:13


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The BIG Why?

answers judy bauer why Dec 06, 2019

It's better to know God than to know answers to everything.

The first question most children ask is "why." It doesn't take long for them to notice that things don't just happen. There's a system called cause and effect. When kids ask why, they are trying to figure out the system.

Sometimes we don't know why things happen, they just do. For example; it would seem that if you're a good person, only good would come your way. Yet, we know that bad things happen to good people. WHY?

In that same vein, it would seem that bad things would be the result of acts committed by people intent on doing harm. Yet, sometimes we see them get away with their deeds with no apparent consequences. And, sometimes they even prosper as a result of their actions. WHY?

"For examples of patience in suffering, look at the Lord's prophets. We know how happy they are now because they stayed true to Him then, even though they suffered greatly for it. Job is an example of a man who continued to trust the Lord...

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It's time to make a decision

It's time to make a decision 

What have you been waiting on in order to make a decision?

I'll never forget those words, "It's time to make a decision!" The printer and I were trying to come up with a title for my first little KAM tract way back in the day, for over an hour. Finally, in exasperation he stated, "Judy, it's time to make a decision." Our eyes locked and I said, "That's it. That's the title."

Thousands have found Christ since then, as a result of that booklet. Funny story but a profound truth. It's time to make a decision...the time is now. Now is the day of salvation. II Corinthians 6:2

Our salvation, deliverance, break-through happens once we make a decision to move, to apply corresponding action to what we believe. The longer we vacillate, the more double-minded we become. In that paralyzed state the Bible says we become unstable. James 1:8.

In effect we're acting in hypocrisy as we say we trust God and yet we don't forge ahead acting on faith that He will...

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Overcoming Anxiety -Power of thoughts



Our thoughts are powerful.

We've discussed overcoming negative inner dialogue, fear of failure and dealing with a poverty mentality in the past few months. I was thinking about these topics and realized that they are foundational for our current subject: anxiety.
Our thoughts are powerful. They can conjure up negative words, emotions and feelings or they can create a sense of peace and well-being.
Discovering the basis for anxiety helps us to overcome the debilitating space
that it attempts to trap us into...a deep, dark hole.
The goal of anxiety is to strip us of the God-peace that passes all our understanding that Jesus has given to us. His God-peace. True inner calmness of mind, soul and spirit. Philippians 4:7b
Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing." Live in His God-peace.
Paul and Timothy knew:
"Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled request before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell Him...
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